Product Overview
Patches that we've made over the years. Some are limited runs.
The Black Flag patches only ever have 100 made with the colored borders. In the Old logo style, there are 100 Black, 100, White, and 100 grey out there. In the new style logo, we have made 100 Black and 100 White borders so far.
The Subdued Patches are limited to 100 in this colorway, we'll mix up the colors on the next run of subdued flags.
The camo flag patches are very limited. M81 were for a specific tier of Patrons. Under 40 Multicam were made, and there are about 8 AOR2 patches in existince. We used a boutique shop to make these for us, and they have gone out of business, so we have no plan to ever make any more.
#PALEADSTHEWAY patches are not limited, per se. But since we are bigger fans of Montana than we are Pennsylvania, we wont ever make any more. there are 200 Blue/Yellow and 100 Subdued in existence.
Shield Patches are regular items. (Someday we'll do subdued)