
FISH 3 (Lowlight)

Tremis Dynamics

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Product Overview

F.I.S.H. 3 (Night Fishing) 

FISH 3 is the next step in the FISH journey.  We will work the shoothouse in the dark. We will run solo and as pairs using white lights to explore how the variable of darkness changes the equation of Fighting in Someone's House. We will implement different forms of lighting all the way down to complete darkness over the course of the day. Our goal is to make you prefer the dark with an elevated set of skills at your disposal.

There are certain principles when it comes to using pieces of terrain when fighting. There is a lot more to it than simple types of terrain (Cover, Concealment, Barricades). In the Cover clinics, we put them under a microscope and dissect them. In FISH, we put them back together and use all the terrain types found inside a structure. We work all of the terrain types commonly found inside and apply them to the core principles of shooting, movement, and communication.

This class uses UTM-adapted carbines in non-ballistic structures against inanimate targets, reactive targets, and resisting opponents. This class is not scenario-based like the Adeptus series; it is instructional and uses student role-players in some evolutions after thoroughly exploring the topics. We will utilize Mantis Blackbeards as much as possible to limit your consumable costs. If you have one, please bring it, if you would like to purchase one, they are available HERE. UTM ammo for the final X is included in the cost of the class, if you run a UTM bolt for the entire class, you can purchase UTM ammo from us for use at the class.

Gear List:
One open mind
Sturdy clothing that covers exposed skin
Clear Eye protection
An ASTM 1776 - F1776 rated mask. (Some loaners available)
An AR-style rifle to be temporarily adapted for UTM ( No LAW folders)
Either a UTM Bolt or a Mantis Blackbeard System. (UTM Loaner Bolts available)
Approx 100 rounds of UTM Ammo if using UTM /30 if bringing a Mantis (Available for Purchase)
Pen and Paper
$Range Fee as indicated in the confirmation email (Varies by Location; 0-25 as set by the host range)


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  • 5
    F.I.S.H. at night!

    Posted by Steven K on Oct 26th 2023

    Learning to use a weapon light appropriately is definitely important, and they teach you to do it well. Having a bright AF light is also highlighted in this class.