
The Science of Dynamic Violence

TremDyn/Forward Training Concepts

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Product Overview

The man of science has learned to believe in justification, not by faith, but by verification. ~ Thomas Huxley

This collaborative class is taught by Sonny Puzikas of Forward Training Concepts and Garry Marr of tremis Dynamics.

3 full days in a Force on Force lab setting, running experiments and collecting data. You already have a few hypotheses, we’re gonna test them and collect the data. That data will then be analyzed to draw some conclusions. Variables will be introduced and tested again. The notes from this will be the basis of your thesis.

We’re going to utilize every instrument available to pressure test every aspect of violence that we can fit in three long days in the killhouse. We’re not going to test it on rats, mice, or monkeys, but rest assured, a few sacred cows will be sacrificed.

We will run Force on Force, of course. We will run Force on Paper. We will do dry runs. We’ll run in full light, diminished lighting, variable lighting, as well as the dark. You might be alone, you might not be. You’ll participate as well as observe.

What you won't do is rote memorization of doctrine and dogma. We’ve brought you a pair of Instructors that just don't work that way. Your way of thinking will be challenged and tested. Every evolution will have a thorough analysis of the data.

All Students must be vetted prior to admission. This is not a beginner-level course, it is for students of the craft who have demonstrated their ability to learn.

Gear List:

An open mind
Note-taking material for your data collection.
Clear Eye Pro (ANSI Z87)
Facemask/Goggles (ASTM F1776)
Holster for G17
Hand-held flashlight
Rifle Mounted WML
Long sleeve shirt/pants
A rifle capable of using an UTM conversion and a Blackbeard conversion.
Optional: Your own Airsoft rifle is an option in place of a host rifle. <350 FPS
Optional: Your own Gas powered Airsoft Pistol <350 FPS
Optional: Pistol-mounted WML
Plenty of Water
Lunch for every day.


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