Product Overview
This instructor workshop is designed to put some arrows in the quiver of an instructor. We will be dissecting some range work to assist instructors with additional range evolutions. This includes both live fire drills and excercises as well as on-range logistical issues.
Prerequisite: EITHER an insured Instructor, or Passed Dynamic Instructor class.
Gear List:
An open mind
Note-taking material (this is critical)
A Striker-Fired fighting pistol
250 rounds of quality ammunition
A long gun (Carbine, Rifle, or Shatgun)
200 rounds of quality ammo
A strong side Kydex holster (yes, appendix is good to go)
Sturdy gun belt
5 pistol magazines/ 5 Rifle Magazines
Mag pouch (pockets are fine)
Quality Eye Protection
Ear Protection (Amplified is HIGHLY recommended)
Kneepads (Optional)
Lunch for every day
Gun cleaning gear and lube
Pen and Paper
A roll of tan masking tape
Stapler and staples
A blue gun or inert training gun that fits your holster.